Post Ideas For When You Have Writers Block - Books

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Hello, everyone! If you read my last post, you'll know that I came up with 10 post ideas for beauty bloggers to write about (if you didn't see it, you can find it here). Today, I'll be doing something really similar, as I thoroughly enjoyed writing the previous post and it received great feedback. Instead, it will be ideas for book bloggers to use, so I hope you like it!

Book Review
This is probably a really obvious choice for book bloggers, but pick a book that you've read and write a detailed review of it. It's incredibly easy to say if you liked a book or not and give a few reasons why, but your readers might want to know more than this. Comment on things like the plot (without spoilers!), the characters, themes, quality of the writing and anything else that was either pleasing or the opposite.

Favourite Books
It might be hard to choose if you've read a lot of books, but try and pick a book that stands out as your favourite and say why it is. What makes it a lot better than other books and would you recommend it to others? You could also do this as a series on your blog, sharing a favourite book from every month or few months.

Disappointing Books
With reading a lot of books, you will find some that are disappointing and you didn't enjoy as much as expected. Share these with your readers, as it's really interesting to know negative points and it might stop someone spending money on a book that they won't like. Make sure you include whether the book wasn't very good or if it just could've been better.

To Be Read
Tell your audience what books you're planning on reading and which books you want to move onto next. This is a great way to show books that you have a positive first impression of, and may also persuade people to read them alongside you. It's also like a resolutions post, to see if you stick to your idea of reading those books.

Monthly Wrap-Up
Conclude each month by sharing the books you've read that month, some of which might have been in your to-be-read posts and others might be a surprise. Don't give away too much about them, as this can be saved for reviews, but include whether you enjoyed them or not and a basic outline of the plot. Also, include how long they took you to read and whether they were worth it.

Genre Focus
Is there a particular genre of books that you love reading? Write a post featuring all of your favourites from this particular section of books, saying whether they're alike or not and why you like them. You could do this as a series on your blog, each week sharing a new genre and a few of your finds from that particular one.

Author Focus
This is similar to the idea above, but instead you should share authors whose books you really enjoyed. There are plenty of different authors out there, so you'll never run out of posts to write, as long as you keep reading different titles from a selection of authors. Make sure to include if their books are similar and which ones were your favourites, as this makes it more interesting.

Reading Challenge
This is especially effective at the start of the year or even a new month. Set yourself a goal of reading a certain amount of novels within a space of time and see if you stick to it. You can write posts sharing your progress and urge your readers to join in with the challenge, maybe even reading the same books.

5 Star Review Definition
After reading a book, it's likely that you'll give it an overall rating, but sometimes your readers don't know what you're looking for when deciding on this. Write a post sharing what criteria a book has to fulfil to be considered 5 stars and if you've ever made any exceptions to these rules.

Book First Impressions
Everyone says that you shouldn't judge a book by its cover, but it's good to share what your initial thoughts are on a book. It's up to you whether you do this solely based on the blurb and cover or after a few chapters, but this is a great way to share your opinions at an early stage and you can compare it to your final thoughts on the book.

Thank you for reading this post and hopefully I've provided you with some interesting and enjoyable ideas for book-related blog posts. I'd love to know if you decide to use any of them and if you think there are any other ideas that I've missed out, so be sure to let me know down in the comments. I'll be back on Sunday with a new post, so I'll see you then!

Love from Daisy x


  1. This is a super great list! I want to post more about books but I don't have so many English books (I'm from Belgium) too show my readers. This certainly helps me out!

    1. Thank you, I'm glad you like it! I hope these ideas are useful and I think it'd be really interesting to hear about books from Belgium (and possibly how they compare to English books) Have a nice day! x
