Wow, it really has been a long time since I sat down here and started writing a blog post. This summer has been incredibly hectic and busy for me, and I've been non-stop doing exciting things, so blogging has really been the last thing on my agenda. Even when I have finally gained the free time in the past few weeks, I've lacked the physical and mental energy to get back into blogging, as it's a lot of hard work and really takes up a lot of time. However, with renewed passion and motivation to write, I'm back and ready to get back to my favourite hobby.
Since I've been gone for a while, I thought I'd take the time to update you on everything that I've been up to over the past few months, which have been very exciting! If you're interested in hearing what I've been up to then make sure you keep reading!
Hand in hand with A Level Results Day is choosing my university and degree for the next 3 years, which is definitely an important decision. After a lot of consideration and rethinking (which could be a whole blog post in itself), I decided that The University of Manchester was the place for me. It's the perfect mix of city life with industry opportunities, being similar to Liverpool yet also new territory to explore. I also love how it's nearby to my family, friends and boyfriend, yet still far away enough that I can have a newfound sense of independence. I really am looking forward to starting this new journey, and I will be studying English Literature which is a huge passion of mine.
I've also had quite a few little day trips and breaks away this summer, which has been really nice as I love travelling and seeing new places. Me and my boyfriend kicked off summer with a glorious day in New Brighton, with the heatwave really favouring us as we sat on the beach, ate ice-creams and played mini golf. Although our attempt at Southport, another seaside town, was perhaps the rainiest 2 days we've ever witnessed, we still had an amazing time making the most of the trip going on a pedal boat, bowling and having a classic fish and chips on the pier. My favourite by far was our 3-day visit to London a couple of weeks ago, which has always been one of my favourite cities, and this was definitely a very special trip that'll be getting its own blog post very shortly.
The view from The Shard was seriously insane - you'll have to wait to see more about my trip to London in an upcoming blog post!
Despite being one of new experiences, this summer has also been the end of an era. Although finishing college wasn't as emotional as I expected, the real difficulty was my final show and lesson in Lipa. After spending 7 years there, taking dance, drama and singing classes every Saturday morning, it was really emotional to see it come to an end. I was lucky enough to play Cinderella in my final show, 'Into the Woods', which was the perfect way to end it all, and was also a huge honour to be awarded a leading role, something which 11-year-old Daisy dreamt of when she first joined. I definitely made some strong friendships, learnt important life lessons and gained amazing memories at Lipa, and it's heartbreaking that it's all came to an end.
Love from Daisy x
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