Why I Stopped Writing Monthly Favourites Blog Posts

Sunday, February 04, 2018

Monthly favourites - one of the most desired and hyped-up types of blog post, that literally everyone craves to see at the end of a month. Whether it's makeup, clothes or general life items that are included, everyone loves to be nosy and get some recommendations. These are always incredibly popular and highly requested blog posts, but if you're an avid reader of Daisies and Delights then you may have noticed that the monthly favourites have been few and far between, and instead there's only been a couple of random favourites and round-up posts. Want to know why that is? Well you'll have to keep reading to see why I've fallen out of love with monthly favourites posts.

Before I continue this post, I just wanted to outline that I don't dislike monthly favourite posts. I read many of them and also watch them on YouTube, and I will continue to do so as they are produced, as they're some of my favourite content. However, I just feel as though they aren't best suited to me or my blog, which I will hopefully try to explain throughout this post.

T H E Y   C A N   B E C O M E   R E P E T I T I V E

If you're someone who is constantly buying new products and trying out items, then you'll no doubt have a plethora of things to choose from when compiling your monthly post. However, for the vast majority of us, this isn't the case. If I like a particular mascara, chances are I'm going to continue to use it for as long as possible, unless a better one comes along. It may be featured in a May favourites post, but throughout June, July and August it may also a staple in my makeup bag. Including a product in a monthly favourites post four months in-a-row is definitely repetitive to say the least, but at the same time I'd only telling the truth and sharing the products that I genuinely love each month.

I kind of came to this predicament when writing monthly favourites posts - it was incredibly difficult to stay true to my genuine favourites without producing virtually the same post every month with similar paragraphs for each product. As someone who isn't trying out new items on a daily basis, it just isn't feasible to make posts with a new set of 'favourites' every month.

I   S H O W   M Y   F A V O U R I T E S   I N   O T H E R   W A Y S

If I'm loving something during the month, I will have found a way to work it into my blog content or photographs in other ways, so you'll already be aware of what I'm really enjoying. The lipstick that I'm obsessing over will have already been reviewed and included in other posts, so it's clear to my audience that I've been enjoying it without having to write a monthly favourites post about it. Likewise, if you see me posting about my favourite book all over Twitter, you don't need an August favourites post just to reaffirm this idea, and you will have already heard all of my thoughts.

I also share a lot of my current favourites on my Instagram stories and Twitter (which you should definitely check out by the way in the top navigation bar!) and so there's no need to tell my audience again through a blog post that would just contain information you already know.

T H E Y   W O N ' T   B E   V A R I E D

All is well with showing off a gorgeous eyeshadow palette that I've been obsessing over and including it in my May favourites. However, when the same product gets featured in July, October and November, there's a slight issue. I don't have enough makeup or books to have completely different ones in every monthly favourites post, and it's inevitable that products will make reappearances as I revisit items in my collection.

When the same product is cropping up too often, due to not having anything else to showcase, I feel like it might begin to drive my audience insane and I doubt there'll be anything else left to write about them that I haven't included in previous posts. A prime example of this is my Barry M Natural Glow Palette, which I mentioned to death on my blog a while ago, with mentions being frequent and each write-up being practically the same due to having nothing else creative to say.

I T   C A N   F E E L   F O R C E D

When I used to write monthly favourites posts, I'd frantically search through my makeup collection at the end of each month, trying to remember what I enjoyed using. That blusher that I picked up twice, yeah that'll do. And the concealer that I wore a few times whilst I had a tan, that can definitely be included. 

I found at times that I was forcing myself to write about products that I'd used a couple of times and enjoyed, but they were by no means items that I used every day and probably wouldn't consider them 'favourites'. I wanted to share products that I'd been loving, but for the times when there was nothing new or exciting to mention, I felt as though I was almost tricking myself into thinking I loved a product much more than I actually did.

T H E Y   W E R E   T O O   R E G U L A R   O N   M Y   B L O G

When I started preparing for my GCSEs, I decided that a weekly upload would work much better for me, and since then I've stuck to uploading blog posts only on Sundays, meaning I usually upload 4-5 times in the month. If I was to write monthly favourites posts, they'd be very frequent on my blog, with only a few posts separating each one, and I feel as though it may be overwhelming to my audience. Also, it would mean that I had fewer opportunities to upload creative posts with innovative ideas, as I'd be restricted to 1 in every 4 posts being a monthly favourites one rather than using this for other concepts and posts that I may want to write.

Having said all this, I'm not completely against the idea of monthly favourites posts. As I said at the start of this post, I really enjoy reading them but I just find that it's not best-suited to my own blog and ways of creating content. However, I will still occasionally do a favourites post and share the products that I've been loving, I just don't want to feel restricted to doing this on a monthly basis.

I hope you enjoyed reading this blog post and I'd love to know your thoughts on monthly favourites posts - love them or leave them? Thank you very much for reading and I'll see you next week with another new post, so goodbye for now!

Love from Daisy x

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